
  • What are cookies?
    Cookies are unique identifiers, generally composed of small strings of text or code. As a rule, cookies are stored on your device or in your browser, and send certain information to the party that sent the cookie. When we talk about cookies, we refer in reality to a wider range of technologies rather than only to cookies, including web beacons, clear gifs, pixels and other similar technologies. When we talk about proprietary cookies, we mean cookies sent by AOIM 2024. When we talk about third party cookies, we mean cookies sent by third parties unrelated to AOIM 2024.
  • How are cookies used?
    Cookies are used to better understand how applications and websites work and to optimize online and mobile experiences. Cookies do this by allowing the party that sends the cookie to analyze the performance of a website or a mobile app, to identify certain users anonymously and remember their preferences, to better understand if a computer or device (and probably its user) has already visited a website and to provide personalized advertising.
  • How can I avoid cookies?
    You can avoid certain cookies by configuring your browser settings, or by directly deactivating the part that manages and controls cookies. Check the settings on your browser for more detailed information. Disabling cookies may prevent the correct operation of some features of this website.
    For details on the steps required, please consult your browser’s help section. For an overview of the most common browsers, go to: Cookiepedia or Aboutcookies.
    Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads, if desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies, but stops the use and collection of some data by these companies. For more information and opt-out possibilities, please see this.
  • What type of cookies are used in this site?
    Our website,, uses only the operationally necessary cookies. These cookies are essential to the working of our site. They allow you to navigate and use our site. If you disable these cookies, the site will not function properly.
  • Further information
    We hope we have clearly described the use of cookies on this site, to help you determine if there are cookies that you consider more or less safe while using our site. However, if you still need more information you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods.